Hi. I dowoaded the android application but when i unzip it and try to open it it says there is a parse error. Is that an issue on your end or am I missing a step
I will have to double check that, but in the meantime you can either unzip it on a PC, or if you use this mega link you'll get the APK and won't have to unzip anything:
Hello bro, Im a lesbian fan and I would like to suggest add repeatable event which MC girl like to use Attach dildo in her crotch and insert it to the girls it would be something crazy.
It kind of sounds like you're describing a strapless strap-on kind of thing? Whilst I can't promise exactly that, there will definitely be some more strap-on stuff in the future :D there's currently just the one scene at the moment, but more will come!
Do you mean the girls rubbing their pussies against eachother, like scissoring? If so, yes there are a few! There's options for a scissor in BFF (Alice) scene 5, Hannah scene 5 and Scarlett scene 5.
Hello! First of all I just wanted to say this game is honestly really fun to play! Every interactions between the girls feels normal, and the intimate scenes are just *chef kiss* marvelous. I do have some questions: First, would it be possible to replay solo scenes with the MC? I find those really nice but I find it a shame that it's not possible to replay them unless I explicitely go into the room to do that- which wastes time if thats not what I want to do. Second, is replaying the scenes (solo, group or even with side characters) without having to go through the dialogue again a possibility? If it's complicated to program or something, that's alright! I was just curious if that was possible. And finally, I was wondering if it was possible to add some more sound effects in general, even outside of intimate scenes x') because there have been some- sounds of clothes here and there but they seem to not always be present? As for the intimate scenes themselves, I'm surprised there aren't any sounds like the slaps of skins, liquids squelches- things you'd expect from them yknow? Because outside of the music itself, I think it makes the game seem more empty- which is a shame cuz it's filled with plenty of characters and life! Even little things, like clothes moving, ambience noises, even sounds when characters I dunno- get a kiss or something, I think would add a lot of charm to it. But yeah, that's all I wanted to say! Best of luck with developping, you have all of my support! Take care :D
(Oh and Ezri is my absolute favorite, every interaction with her is a delight, so thank you so much for writing her in such a fun way because I love her!)
The first two things I probably won't do I'm afraid. With the solo scenes, it's pretty easy to do a rollback or a quick save/load if you don't want to spend the time, the scenes are pretty short. It's not an insignificant amount of work to setup the replay gallery, and for now I'd rather spend that time elsewhere.
Jumping past the dialogue in replays is a bit extra technical work, when you can ctrl-skip through them (the game skips through seen content as long as you hold down control).
But more sound effects are something I'd love to add! I had planned to commission some VA work if my patreon got high enough, but since I'm still pretty far from that goal I might look into cheaper options. If I feel they do the job, I might add them in. That's probably a little far in the future though. I do agree that it would add a little extra life to scenes!
I'm glad you like Ezri so much! I always love hearing people's favourites ^^
Thank you so much for the kind words and support <3
As a trans woman myself, I can say that people under the transgender umbrella do tend to flock to one another, almost instinctually at times. So they would realistically become friends, especially if they are the only 2 openly genderqueer people on campus.
Oh they're definitely not the only 2 genderqueer people on campus, they're just the only 2 that the MC knows personally. But I could see them hanging out for sure. I'll have a think about some scenes for the future :3
You cannot currently get past day 50; however when you reach it, you should be given the option to travel back a week, with all your progress intact. You can do this as many times as you wish, effectively playing for as long as you want.
Love the game, just one question, do you plan on adding more spanking scenes with other characters besides Hannah? I'd especially love to see Scarlett try going over the knee for a bit.
There's an option to have BFF spank the player character in her scene 5, but other than that no, I'm afraid I don't really have plans for spanking other characters. It's mostly Hannah's thing.
I suppose that depends on how submissive you're looking for, but I'd have to say no, not really. She's pretty evenly split between giving and receiving, but there just isn't a strong dom/sub theme in the vast majority of scenes.
There's the odd bit like Hannah jumping on the MC, but BFF spanking MC is as submissive as it gets.
What a lovely game!I used to just download the game in this website, but I created an account today to leave this comment!I must say this is the best lesbian game I've ever played. I chose Hannah's route and the new relationship level 5 scene made me so excited!Hannah's fantasy was really imaginative!She's such a naughty girl hehe><So I chose to be her girlfriend. I'm so thirsty for the future updates, and thank you for creating this masterpiece!:)
(This comment was written by a nonnative speaker, I'm apologizing for the probable mistakes!><)
Oh, BTW, speaking of other characters, I like Emily best!She's so cute with brilliant stature!I hope in the future we can have more scene about she and MC!(However, it's up to you to decide hehe)
I'm afraid to say I still don't have any definite plans for other languages. I'd like to be able to at some point in the future, but no idea when. Sorry!
Hey, I found this game while actually trying to find resources on where to get started learning how to make these styles of games due to an interest in creating a WLW adult vn game like this, and I wanted to ask, what do you use to make the environments in the scenes (like the rooms)? Does that all come with modded Honey Select 2 or do you have to use an external program and import them into your scenes?
Alright good thanks, was worried I'd spend $70 on HS2 just to learn whether or not I'll need to use something else, heh.
And I actually got the same motivation as you- I got a sudden intrigue in this style of game and wanted to learn what goes into them, and (up until now at least) had never seen one with a female protagonist, so I got motivated to try my hand down learning so I could fill the gap in the genre. Come to find somebody beat me to the punch :) but it'll at least give me more motivation to live up to what you've set!
No worries! Make sure you get a version with studio neo in it, that's what will allow you to do custom scenes.
Believe me, there's still plenty of room in this gap in the genre! The more the merrier :D I've had a lot of fun making YU, if it's something that interests you I definitely recommend giving it a try!
You used to be able to get it directly from Illusion, but I'm not sure about that now. I suggest checking the illusion games discord/subreddit, they'll be a lot more help than me I'm afraid!
I was excited to try the game because of the amzing feedback in the comments. But I have tried multiple times trying to download it through here and rrying both the doc and the Mega.nz were both unavailible. Any idea what this could be whether it just be a bug or me being stupid lol.
I've heard of one other person that ran into that issue, but I couldn't replicate it and you're the only other person who's brought it up. I think it must be an itch.io problem.
This game is fantastic. I'm impressed by how much respect this game shows for its love interests. The characters are super fun and have great character designs and outstanding personalities. I really like how all the characters have different body and face shapes. It's a really great touch that not a lot of games do. Thank you for including some trans side characters; it was a very lovely touch. I really love Scarlett's route. Rose and Scarlett are so sweet together. Not only is this game really hot, but it is also heartfelt and kind.
Thank you so much! Your comment made my day ^^ I'd hoped to include a good variety of characters, really glad that came across. And always happy to hear Scarlett love :D
Imma be real, I do absolutely adore this game, the girls are cute (and actually have personalities unlike a lot of games like these), it shows super cute moments while also getting some of the best lewd content I have seen for a long time in a yuri game like these. The story is fun and the progression being as quick or as slow as you want is something that pleases me greatly.
I am very much looking forward to the addition of content as it has been absolutely beautiful so far and the sneak peak into potentially having routes of keeping it light and breezy, open-relationships, or even monogamous is really interesting as well since the representation of all these couplings tend to have some downsides and upsides to them, so the extent that these get explored is something I am anticipating. Also the side stuff with the minor characters really fleshes out the feeling of a small uni life.
The artwork, coding, and modeling that has gone into the game is awesome and as someone who has tried to actually successfully use these kinda software and creation tools, it is really hard to get it looking as smooth as it is portrayed here, so there is a lot of respect for that from my side of things.
There are a few sentences and a few interactions that imo are a bit clunky and feel like they play out a tad robotically, and I do wish that the whole voyuerism and lewdness could be a bit more of a slow build up, I fully recognise this is their image of how it wants to go and I am still a big fan that once again for the most part the progress is up to the player for a few things. But that is really all the constructive criticisms and I have about the game, and the praise and admiration for this endeavor far outweighs it.
Thank you for the kind and considered comment! It's my first time making anything like this, so I appreciate the positive feedback ^^
Let me clarify that most open/monogamous relationships are planned as the endings - the bulk of the game will be the casual fun, with occasional open relationship, that it has been so far.
Thanks again, and I hope you enjoy future updates!
I'm only just getting started playing this, having found it recently, but really appreciate what you've created here from what I've seen so far!
I see it's made in Ren'Py, but I'm curious what software you're using for the 3D models and background scenes, and the animation? If you don't mind sharing that is. If you would rather not, I understand perfectly there may be reasons to keep that information under wraps.
On another note, I wanted to bring something to your attention about the download for v0.55. I tried 3 or 4 times to download the Windows/PC release version from here, and though it appeared to work correctly and download fully, when I went to open the actual zip file, it was corrupted and would not load or extract like normal.
I ended up going to your Patreon page and finding the alternative download links post with sources from Mega.nz and Google Drive. I tried the zip file from Mega.nz and it worked perfectly on the first try, just like you would expect the normal experience to be.
It's possible it could have been an issue with my internet, but considering it failed on multiple attempts with the itch.io upload, and worked fine on the mega.nz one, you may just want to double check the zip file here, just in case others might be having issues too.
In any case, thank you for creating this wonderful work. It's very refreshing and enjoyable just from what I've seen of it thus far, and I look forward to seeing more of what the game has to offer as I get better acquainted with it.
Thank you so much, glad you're enjoying it so far!
All the visuals and animations are made in Honey Select 2, with mods. If you've ever seen Harem Hotel, The Headmaster or Sunville, it's similar to those (and plenty of others!)
Thanks for letting me know about the error! I've had several hundred downloads from here since v0.55 released and you're the first person to mention anything, but I'll check it out just in case.
Ah, interesting! I have heard of that program before, but haven't checked into it. Not familiar with the other titles you listed either, but I'll look into those too!
Hopefully the issues were just really unusual temporary problems on my end, but just in case they weren't, I wanted to mention it. I know how it is sometimes when things can be not working like expected and just nobody brings it up, just assuming others are already aware.
I definitely enjoyed the content in the game! I played through till a little after day 50 and I believe I at least saw all the major relationship progression content that's available. Quite a lot more was packed in there than I imagined!
I'm sure there are some minor scenes (and maybe even a character or two) that I missed, and I didn't try both physics and art paths, but that's okay, it'll leave more to enjoy for a future version play through.
I did have some questions about allowing other girls to peek. I never seemed to get that to actually trigger. After unlocking the option with a number of the girls, it simply didn't seem to ever happen when I tried using the appropriate options from the bedroom, regardless of the time of day, or making sure said characters were at the dorm.
Is it possible I unlocked them too late in the game, and missed the opportunities to see those interactions? Is the content still in development and isn't implemented yet perhaps? Or is it just a random chance and I had extremely poor luck?
It just seems like perhaps I was missing something in order to trigger those scenes, especially once multiple girls had been given permission to peek, and still none seemed to come around.
If you want to double check things you may have missed, there's an in-game guide - on the uni map, just click the phone icon in the top right, and click "help". You'll then see if there's scenes or characters you may have missed, and can toggle hints on to guide you where to go for them.
Girls peeking on you is only partially implemented right now. Only BFF, Hannah and Scarlett have scenes of coming in, and each only comes in if they're in the house, if you're doing a particular type of masturbation, and only then a certain percentage of the time.
BFF can come in during PJ masturbation, which is only available at night.
Hannah can come in during nude dildo riding.
Scarlett can come in during nude pillow humping.
It's my hope that once everyone peeking has been implemented it will happen often enough to feel impactful, whilst not happening all the time. Right now it's probably too rare though, and I might adjust it.
Thanks for playing! Next update will hopefully be out around mid-February ^^
Very helpful info. I actually missed the phone guide completely, I think I checked it at the very start of playing for basic help stuff, and then forgot it mentioned hints! No wonder I missed the peeking on you scenes, it makes sense now. I agree it's good they'll be uncommon and not overdone. Maybe the rate will be just right once all of them are implemented. Thanks again for all that, looking forward to future updates!
Sorry for commenting on a 2 month old comment but I wanted to ask if you remember how to get the StudioNeoV2? Because Honey Select 2 Libido DX is on Steam but people say it doesn't have studio along with many other things. Reddit, F95 threads, Steam discussions and a Discord I found have all been vague or no answer at all on how or where to get it.
The best I could come up with is buy HS2L DX on Steam then download the 170gb of files from better repack because I saw one single comment claiming it has the studio in it.
Just wanted to note - Illusion has decided to discontinue updating Honey Select 2 and stopping all sales soon! I haven't used it at all but was reading these comments and noticed this is relatively new information and thought I'd share.
I love the sunville reference you added in especially since I just seen that the developer of sunville also liked this game which unfortunately fell just below naughty lyanna
Glad you liked it! Feierflei was kind enough to help me set up my discord when I first started out, so I wanted to add a little reference. And it fit in perfectly with what I had planned!
I'd love to be able to offer multiple languages, but I'm afraid it isn't likely any time soon. Aside from the massive amount of work, it would all be machine translated so probably wouldn't be very good.
Sorry! If you do decide to give it a try anyway, I hope you enjoy it :)
When choosing there should be a "What will this change?" option, which gives you an idea.
It predominantly changes which teacher character you have. That option I mentioned will show you a picture of each, so just choose which one you like the look of more. Art is slightly more exhibitionism themed, whereas physics has a somewhat more romantic feel to it. Each only has 2 scenes so far, so it wouldn't take long to see the other option if you wanted to.
Downloading newest version to play at some point today. I played last back in like April of this year. Has any sound affects be added to sex scenes yet? Will they ever be?
No sound effects in sex scenes yet I'm afraid. I'd like to add some eventually, but I want to do it properly, with different voice actors for each character to avoid repetition - but that means a pretty significant investment. It's a goal on my patreon, hopefully I'll reach it in the not too distant future!
I really liked your game! I chose Scarlett and I would like to know if it will be possible to switch to a monogamous relationship with her? Thank you for the game and your efforts, I will wait for updates!
Thank you so much, I'm glad you enjoyed it! Scarlett's definitely popular :D the plan is for at the end you can choose someone to enter a monogamous (or open) relationship with, but that's a long ways off at the moment. For now, you can only enter an open relationship with Scarlett. Partly for story reasons, and partly to make the programming a little easier!
Update 0.54 is now in early access for Third Year level patrons and up, and will be available for everyone else in a week!
This update adds Scarlett's relationship level 5 scene, a new side character Freya, and a few other little bits. A devlog with all the changes will be posted when the new version is live here next week.
Either Ezri's scene 3 or 4, there is a dialogue box where she is the speaker but the dialogue itself certainly is the MC speaking to Ezri. And I think I stumbled across a few minor spelling errors, nothing that stands out and breaks immersion, at a later date I'll just have to replay and note them.
MC and BFF are confused about the time when kissing on weekend morning (love makes, uh, timeless?).
The possible ends of `label BFF_kiss_pants_repeat_night` should check for the time, something like
if time_day >= 4:
BFF "Good night, [name]."
show bg bff kiss pants night 31
PC "Good night, [friend]."
BFF "Have a wonderful weekend, [name]."
show bg bff kiss pants night 31
PC "Thanks. You too, [friend]."
(plus the others, with the images 35 and 39. and all scene ends I missed :))
"Better for seeing you" if "1: pic tits" not in em.choices or "1: pic bum" not in em.choices or "1: pic both" not in em.choices:
I think your condition in scenes/emily.rpy::498 does not what you wanted to accomplish: This one is shown until all three pics are taken, I'd guess it was meant as the fallback option before any photo shoot.
Should I be right this one can be rewritten as
"Better for seeing you" if not ("1: pic tits" in em.choices or "1: pic bum" in em.choices or "1: pic both" in em.choices):
"Better for seeing you" if "1: pic tits" not in em.choices and "1: pic bum" not in em.choices ad "1: pic both" not in em.choices:
When will the next update be available!? I would totally put money towards this especially if it helps speed it up! Idk what it is about the teacher and librarian but wow hahaha I'm excited to see more, I searched everywhere for a game like this for so long thank you so much! Definitely grateful, I love how all the n*pples and v*ginas look different, so much detail
Next update will be a little while longer. It will add Scarlett's relationship level 5 scene, which are always a lot of work. It'll also add another "medium" scene, either a living room three person scene or a side character scene, to be voted on by my patrons. I'm currently predicting about 8 weeks. I'll post a devlog here soon when I have a better idea, with a little preview.
I'm curious which subject you chose that you like the teacher so much? ^^ I have more plans for the teachers and a few ideas with the librarian too!
I tried to give each character a unique body, glad you noticed :)
Every contribution always helps and is always appreciated!
Oh! I chose art! I made it to day 50 yesterday and restarted to raise all my skills so i could do the extra stuff, I'm still on my second playthrough (like peaking on the random teacher in the classroom and letting her know its okay), it makes so much sense that it takes awhile! Count me in as a paying fan once friday hits!
No, thank you! Not to sound creepy but I wish I could find women like this in real life who just want to fool around lmfao (I'm a chick but I don't want a relationship right now) ah, sorry just going on and on, anyways! Amazing job! 10/10!
Not really. Currently, when you reach day 50 you're given the option to go back a week (keeping all your progress). You can do this as many times as you like, so can effectively play as long as you like :)
Love the game. One suggestion. While it's really fun for Kara to be enjoying all the girls she lives with, perhaps sometime in the future when she peeks in on them she finds that instead of masturbating they are with one of the other girls.
← Return to game
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Hi. I dowoaded the android application but when i unzip it and try to open it it says there is a parse error. Is that an issue on your end or am I missing a step
I will have to double check that, but in the meantime you can either unzip it on a PC, or if you use this mega link you'll get the APK and won't have to unzip anything:
Thankyou, ill try this, if i dont respond take that as it worked :)
Can the MC get spanked
Currently there's just the one scene where she can get spanked - the level 5 scene with BFF (Alice).
There may or may not be more, it's mostly Hannah's thing.
una pregunta el juego tiene muchas escnas de spanking o solo con la guerita?
Máquina traductora.
Hay una opción de azotes con su mejor amiga (Alice) en su escena de nivel 5, pero todas las demás son con Hannah, ese es su fetiche.
Sorry I don't speak Spanish, hope that made sense!
Hello bro, Im a lesbian fan and I would like to suggest add repeatable event which MC girl like to use Attach dildo in her crotch and insert it to the girls it would be something crazy.
It kind of sounds like you're describing a strapless strap-on kind of thing? Whilst I can't promise exactly that, there will definitely be some more strap-on stuff in the future :D there's currently just the one scene at the moment, but more will come!
Mr author,I wonder is there some pussy rubbing scenes in the game?I have played it for a month but never saw pussy rubbing scenes currently
Do you mean the girls rubbing their pussies against eachother, like scissoring? If so, yes there are a few! There's options for a scissor in BFF (Alice) scene 5, Hannah scene 5 and Scarlett scene 5.
Yeah that's what I mean,thanks for letting me know it!I hope it could add more scenes like this in the future!plus it is really an excellent game!
There may be more in the future, we'll see! And thank you for the kind words <3
Hi, I'm Chinese I would love to have Chinese, I love all your characters it would be great if they were in Chinese, thanks! Kaizi! Pretty sister!
I'm afraid I'm not adding any other languages for the time being, sorry! It is something I'd like to do in the future though.
Hello! First of all I just wanted to say this game is honestly really fun to play! Every interactions between the girls feels normal, and the intimate scenes are just *chef kiss* marvelous. I do have some questions: First, would it be possible to replay solo scenes with the MC? I find those really nice but I find it a shame that it's not possible to replay them unless I explicitely go into the room to do that- which wastes time if thats not what I want to do. Second, is replaying the scenes (solo, group or even with side characters) without having to go through the dialogue again a possibility? If it's complicated to program or something, that's alright! I was just curious if that was possible. And finally, I was wondering if it was possible to add some more sound effects in general, even outside of intimate scenes x') because there have been some- sounds of clothes here and there but they seem to not always be present? As for the intimate scenes themselves, I'm surprised there aren't any sounds like the slaps of skins, liquids squelches- things you'd expect from them yknow? Because outside of the music itself, I think it makes the game seem more empty- which is a shame cuz it's filled with plenty of characters and life! Even little things, like clothes moving, ambience noises, even sounds when characters I dunno- get a kiss or something, I think would add a lot of charm to it. But yeah, that's all I wanted to say! Best of luck with developping, you have all of my support! Take care :D
(Oh and Ezri is my absolute favorite, every interaction with her is a delight, so thank you so much for writing her in such a fun way because I love her!)
Thank you so much, I'm glad you've enjoyed it!
The first two things I probably won't do I'm afraid. With the solo scenes, it's pretty easy to do a rollback or a quick save/load if you don't want to spend the time, the scenes are pretty short. It's not an insignificant amount of work to setup the replay gallery, and for now I'd rather spend that time elsewhere.
Jumping past the dialogue in replays is a bit extra technical work, when you can ctrl-skip through them (the game skips through seen content as long as you hold down control).
But more sound effects are something I'd love to add! I had planned to commission some VA work if my patreon got high enough, but since I'm still pretty far from that goal I might look into cheaper options. If I feel they do the job, I might add them in. That's probably a little far in the future though. I do agree that it would add a little extra life to scenes!
I'm glad you like Ezri so much! I always love hearing people's favourites ^^
Thank you so much for the kind words and support <3
Will there be scenes involving the trans girl and the enby (forgot their names)?
Will there be more scenes with Maple and more with Alex? Yes, absolutely!
Will there be scenes of them together? I don't currently have any planned, but it's something I could see happening!
As a trans woman myself, I can say that people under the transgender umbrella do tend to flock to one another, almost instinctually at times. So they would realistically become friends, especially if they are the only 2 openly genderqueer people on campus.
Oh they're definitely not the only 2 genderqueer people on campus, they're just the only 2 that the MC knows personally.
But I could see them hanging out for sure. I'll have a think about some scenes for the future :3
hey guys, I have a problem I downloaded the v0.58 so but I can't continue my game, and the game end on day 50
You cannot currently get past day 50; however when you reach it, you should be given the option to travel back a week, with all your progress intact. You can do this as many times as you wish, effectively playing for as long as you want.
Are you not getting that option at day 50?
oh yeah but when so we can pass the day50 in which updateeee???
The max day will be extended to 80 in v0.60, so not the next update but the one after that :)
what will the new in the after update so
Sorry, I don't understand what you're asking?
Love the game, just one question, do you plan on adding more spanking scenes with other characters besides Hannah? I'd especially love to see Scarlett try going over the knee for a bit.
Glad you're enjoying it!
There's an option to have BFF spank the player character in her scene 5, but other than that no, I'm afraid I don't really have plans for spanking other characters. It's mostly Hannah's thing.
Thanks for playing! <3
Are there any other scenes in which your character can be a submissive?
I suppose that depends on how submissive you're looking for, but I'd have to say no, not really. She's pretty evenly split between giving and receiving, but there just isn't a strong dom/sub theme in the vast majority of scenes.
There's the odd bit like Hannah jumping on the MC, but BFF spanking MC is as submissive as it gets.
On that subject, how does one find said scene, I tried but can't quite seem to find it.
BFF spanking MC? It's an option in her scene 5. Get her up to relationship level 4 and 60 affection, then hang out with her in her room.
After some fun around campus, you'll go back to her room and...
What a lovely game!I used to just download the game in this website, but I created an account today to leave this comment!I must say this is the best lesbian game I've ever played. I chose Hannah's route and the new relationship level 5 scene made me so excited!Hannah's fantasy was really imaginative!She's such a naughty girl hehe><So I chose to be her girlfriend. I'm so thirsty for the future updates, and thank you for creating this masterpiece!:)
(This comment was written by a nonnative speaker, I'm apologizing for the probable mistakes!><)
Oh, BTW, speaking of other characters, I like Emily best!She's so cute with brilliant stature!I hope in the future we can have more scene about she and MC!(However, it's up to you to decide hehe)
There will definitely be more Emily in the future :D
Thank you so much for the lovely comment! :D
I'm glad you liked Hannah's new scene! She's been a lot of fun to write, and I'm very happy to see her get more love ^^
Thanks for playing, and I hope you continue to enjoy future updates! <3
Will the game be available in Spanish in the future?
I'm afraid to say I still don't have any definite plans for other languages. I'd like to be able to at some point in the future, but no idea when. Sorry!
Happy 1st anniversary you're creating something truly beautiful just remember to not over work yourself.
Thank you so much <3
I try to take care not to over do it! I think I've got a pretty good pattern down now. It's worked okay so far!
Hey, I found this game while actually trying to find resources on where to get started learning how to make these styles of games due to an interest in creating a WLW adult vn game like this, and I wanted to ask, what do you use to make the environments in the scenes (like the rooms)? Does that all come with modded Honey Select 2 or do you have to use an external program and import them into your scenes?
The ones I use are all existing maps and assets, either in the base game or mods. You'll occasionally see them in other games!
I believe it's possible to import new maps/assets, but I haven't learned how yet.
Best of luck! I always support more WLW games :D
Alright good thanks, was worried I'd spend $70 on HS2 just to learn whether or not I'll need to use something else, heh.
And I actually got the same motivation as you- I got a sudden intrigue in this style of game and wanted to learn what goes into them, and (up until now at least) had never seen one with a female protagonist, so I got motivated to try my hand down learning so I could fill the gap in the genre. Come to find somebody beat me to the punch :) but it'll at least give me more motivation to live up to what you've set!
No worries! Make sure you get a version with studio neo in it, that's what will allow you to do custom scenes.
Believe me, there's still plenty of room in this gap in the genre! The more the merrier :D I've had a lot of fun making YU, if it's something that interests you I definitely recommend giving it a try!
Best of luck with it ^^
Is there any version available for purchase other than through Steam? I heard the Steam version lacks the studio
You used to be able to get it directly from Illusion, but I'm not sure about that now. I suggest checking the illusion games discord/subreddit, they'll be a lot more help than me I'm afraid!
I was excited to try the game because of the amzing feedback in the comments. But I have tried multiple times trying to download it through here and rrying both the doc and the Mega.nz were both unavailible. Any idea what this could be whether it just be a bug or me being stupid lol.
I've heard of one other person that ran into that issue, but I couldn't replicate it and you're the only other person who's brought it up. I think it must be an itch.io problem.
You could try the mega links. They're in this public patreon post (no need to be a patron to see): https://www.patreon.com/posts/yu-v0-57-links-81124108
If that doesn't work, let me know what platform you want to play on and I can post a different download link.
It worked! Thank you!
Awesome! You're welcome, thanks for trying the game!
The new update is in early access, and for the first time I'm trying it out on itchio as well as patreon! Check this devlog for a full explantion: https://chekkin.itch.io/yuri-university/devlog/513017/yuri-university-v057-is-in...
The new update will be available to everyone for free in 1 week.
Thank you!
This game is fantastic. I'm impressed by how much respect this game shows for its love interests. The characters are super fun and have great character designs and outstanding personalities. I really like how all the characters have different body and face shapes. It's a really great touch that not a lot of games do. Thank you for including some trans side characters; it was a very lovely touch. I really love Scarlett's route. Rose and Scarlett are so sweet together. Not only is this game really hot, but it is also heartfelt and kind.
Thank you so much! Your comment made my day ^^ I'd hoped to include a good variety of characters, really glad that came across. And always happy to hear Scarlett love :D
Thanks again!
Imma be real, I do absolutely adore this game, the girls are cute (and actually have personalities unlike a lot of games like these), it shows super cute moments while also getting some of the best lewd content I have seen for a long time in a yuri game like these. The story is fun and the progression being as quick or as slow as you want is something that pleases me greatly.
I am very much looking forward to the addition of content as it has been absolutely beautiful so far and the sneak peak into potentially having routes of keeping it light and breezy, open-relationships, or even monogamous is really interesting as well since the representation of all these couplings tend to have some downsides and upsides to them, so the extent that these get explored is something I am anticipating. Also the side stuff with the minor characters really fleshes out the feeling of a small uni life.
The artwork, coding, and modeling that has gone into the game is awesome and as someone who has tried to actually successfully use these kinda software and creation tools, it is really hard to get it looking as smooth as it is portrayed here, so there is a lot of respect for that from my side of things.
There are a few sentences and a few interactions that imo are a bit clunky and feel like they play out a tad robotically, and I do wish that the whole voyuerism and lewdness could be a bit more of a slow build up, I fully recognise this is their image of how it wants to go and I am still a big fan that once again for the most part the progress is up to the player for a few things. But that is really all the constructive criticisms and I have about the game, and the praise and admiration for this endeavor far outweighs it.
Thank you for the kind and considered comment! It's my first time making anything like this, so I appreciate the positive feedback ^^
Let me clarify that most open/monogamous relationships are planned as the endings - the bulk of the game will be the casual fun, with occasional open relationship, that it has been so far.
Thanks again, and I hope you enjoy future updates!
This is currently the best yuri harem game out there! Keep it up!!
Thank you so much, that's so lovely to hear! I'll keep doing my best ^^
I'm only just getting started playing this, having found it recently, but really appreciate what you've created here from what I've seen so far!
I see it's made in Ren'Py, but I'm curious what software you're using for the 3D models and background scenes, and the animation? If you don't mind sharing that is. If you would rather not, I understand perfectly there may be reasons to keep that information under wraps.
On another note, I wanted to bring something to your attention about the download for v0.55. I tried 3 or 4 times to download the Windows/PC release version from here, and though it appeared to work correctly and download fully, when I went to open the actual zip file, it was corrupted and would not load or extract like normal.
I ended up going to your Patreon page and finding the alternative download links post with sources from Mega.nz and Google Drive. I tried the zip file from Mega.nz and it worked perfectly on the first try, just like you would expect the normal experience to be.
It's possible it could have been an issue with my internet, but considering it failed on multiple attempts with the itch.io upload, and worked fine on the mega.nz one, you may just want to double check the zip file here, just in case others might be having issues too.
In any case, thank you for creating this wonderful work. It's very refreshing and enjoyable just from what I've seen of it thus far, and I look forward to seeing more of what the game has to offer as I get better acquainted with it.
Thank you so much, glad you're enjoying it so far!
All the visuals and animations are made in Honey Select 2, with mods. If you've ever seen Harem Hotel, The Headmaster or Sunville, it's similar to those (and plenty of others!)
Thanks for letting me know about the error! I've had several hundred downloads from here since v0.55 released and you're the first person to mention anything, but I'll check it out just in case.
Hope you continue to enjoy the game!
Ah, interesting! I have heard of that program before, but haven't checked into it. Not familiar with the other titles you listed either, but I'll look into those too!
Hopefully the issues were just really unusual temporary problems on my end, but just in case they weren't, I wanted to mention it. I know how it is sometimes when things can be not working like expected and just nobody brings it up, just assuming others are already aware.
At any rate, thanks again!
I loved Harem Hotel and Sunville, but The Headmaster is a really weird game! It's well, play it and see.
I definitely enjoyed the content in the game! I played through till a little after day 50 and I believe I at least saw all the major relationship progression content that's available. Quite a lot more was packed in there than I imagined!
I'm sure there are some minor scenes (and maybe even a character or two) that I missed, and I didn't try both physics and art paths, but that's okay, it'll leave more to enjoy for a future version play through.
I did have some questions about allowing other girls to peek. I never seemed to get that to actually trigger. After unlocking the option with a number of the girls, it simply didn't seem to ever happen when I tried using the appropriate options from the bedroom, regardless of the time of day, or making sure said characters were at the dorm.
Is it possible I unlocked them too late in the game, and missed the opportunities to see those interactions? Is the content still in development and isn't implemented yet perhaps? Or is it just a random chance and I had extremely poor luck?
It just seems like perhaps I was missing something in order to trigger those scenes, especially once multiple girls had been given permission to peek, and still none seemed to come around.
Thank you, so glad you enjoyed it! <3
If you want to double check things you may have missed, there's an in-game guide - on the uni map, just click the phone icon in the top right, and click "help". You'll then see if there's scenes or characters you may have missed, and can toggle hints on to guide you where to go for them.
Girls peeking on you is only partially implemented right now. Only BFF, Hannah and Scarlett have scenes of coming in, and each only comes in if they're in the house, if you're doing a particular type of masturbation, and only then a certain percentage of the time.
It's my hope that once everyone peeking has been implemented it will happen often enough to feel impactful, whilst not happening all the time. Right now it's probably too rare though, and I might adjust it.
Thanks for playing! Next update will hopefully be out around mid-February ^^
Very helpful info. I actually missed the phone guide completely, I think I checked it at the very start of playing for basic help stuff, and then forgot it mentioned hints! No wonder I missed the peeking on you scenes, it makes sense now. I agree it's good they'll be uncommon and not overdone. Maybe the rate will be just right once all of them are implemented. Thanks again for all that, looking forward to future updates!
Sorry for commenting on a 2 month old comment but I wanted to ask if you remember how to get the StudioNeoV2? Because Honey Select 2 Libido DX is on Steam but people say it doesn't have studio along with many other things. Reddit, F95 threads, Steam discussions and a Discord I found have all been vague or no answer at all on how or where to get it.
The best I could come up with is buy HS2L DX on Steam then download the 170gb of files from better repack because I saw one single comment claiming it has the studio in it.
Just wanted to note - Illusion has decided to discontinue updating Honey Select 2 and stopping all sales soon! I haven't used it at all but was reading these comments and noticed this is relatively new information and thought I'd share.
Really enjoyed the game. The Alice scenes were the best!
Thank you so much, glad you enjoyed it!
Alice has been really popular, makes me very happy :D
I love the sunville reference you added in especially since I just seen that the developer of sunville also liked this game which unfortunately fell just below naughty lyanna
Glad you liked it! Feierflei was kind enough to help me set up my discord when I first started out, so I wanted to add a little reference. And it fit in perfectly with what I had planned!
The game looks good, it would be cool if in some update the language could be changed to Spanish.
I'd love to be able to offer multiple languages, but I'm afraid it isn't likely any time soon. Aside from the massive amount of work, it would all be machine translated so probably wouldn't be very good.
Sorry! If you do decide to give it a try anyway, I hope you enjoy it :)
what are the differences between physichs and art in terms of content?
When choosing there should be a "What will this change?" option, which gives you an idea.
It predominantly changes which teacher character you have. That option I mentioned will show you a picture of each, so just choose which one you like the look of more. Art is slightly more exhibitionism themed, whereas physics has a somewhat more romantic feel to it. Each only has 2 scenes so far, so it wouldn't take long to see the other option if you wanted to.
Enjoy! :)
"bum" haha the devs are Br*ts
I am indeed :)
I set it in the UK since it's what I know, so you'll see lots of "bum", "pants" (meaning underwear) and extra u's in words xD
Downloading newest version to play at some point today. I played last back in like April of this year. Has any sound affects be added to sex scenes yet? Will they ever be?
Hope you enjoy the new stuff! ^^
No sound effects in sex scenes yet I'm afraid. I'd like to add some eventually, but I want to do it properly, with different voice actors for each character to avoid repetition - but that means a pretty significant investment. It's a goal on my patreon, hopefully I'll reach it in the not too distant future!
When I am able too I will definitely provide to your patreon!
That's very generous of you, thank you so much! <3
This is an amazing Piece of Work! I cant wait for the next update. I hope for more content for Katie the Librarian ;).
Thank you so much, glad you enjoyed it! I have plans for a couple of scenes with Katie in the future ^^
Woohoo! Keep up the good work, i´ll spend Money as soon as I can again.
I love this game so much. I can't wait for the next update!
Thank you so much! <3
Working on the next update right now! No ETA yet, hopefully before the new year but we'll see.
So glad you enjoyed it! :D
btw, do you have a discord server I could join
Yes indeed! https://discord.gg/K5csumxErA
I really liked your game! I chose Scarlett and I would like to know if it will be possible to switch to a monogamous relationship with her? Thank you for the game and your efforts, I will wait for updates!
Thank you so much, I'm glad you enjoyed it! Scarlett's definitely popular :D the plan is for at the end you can choose someone to enter a monogamous (or open) relationship with, but that's a long ways off at the moment. For now, you can only enter an open relationship with Scarlett. Partly for story reasons, and partly to make the programming a little easier!
Thanks for your kind words :)
Thank you so much! Always great to hear ^^
Yuri University just passed 10,000 downloads here on itch! Thank you all so much!
Update 0.54 is now in early access for Third Year level patrons and up, and will be available for everyone else in a week!
This update adds Scarlett's relationship level 5 scene, a new side character Freya, and a few other little bits. A devlog with all the changes will be posted when the new version is live here next week.
If you'd like early access, check my patreon post here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/74077774
Thanks everyone! <3
All of them are written so nicely.
Looking forward to more.
Either Ezri's scene 3 or 4, there is a dialogue box where she is the speaker but the dialogue itself certainly is the MC speaking to Ezri.
And I think I stumbled across a few minor spelling errors, nothing that stands out and breaks immersion, at a later date I'll just have to replay and note them.
Thank you, so glad you enjoyed it! ^^
I'll try and hunt down that wrong speaker in Ezri's scene. If you remember any more about it, or spot any other typos, let me know!
Scarlett "Well if you see me desperately revising in the library, maybe you could give me some tips?"
At least give MC a chance to meet her in the lib, that's impossible per Scarlett's location update in scripts/functions.rpy :)
MC and BFF are confused about the time when kissing on weekend morning (love makes, uh, timeless?).
The possible ends of `label BFF_kiss_pants_repeat_night` should check for the time, something like
(plus the others, with the images 35 and 39. and all scene ends I missed :))
Huh, after all this time you're actually the first person to notice these!
Thanks, I'll fix both of those for the next update :)
I think your condition in scenes/emily.rpy::498 does not what you wanted to accomplish: This one is shown until all three pics are taken, I'd guess it was meant as the fallback option before any photo shoot.
Should I be right this one can be rewritten as
and done, I think I saw everything except some missed phone images (too lazy to crosscheck the code and indentify the ones I did not collect).
I like your game, nice visuals and a not very original but working story around it to keep it all together.
looking forward to the next release
It's not possible to collect all of the phone backgrounds in one playthrough by design.
Glad you enjoyed it, thanks for playing! Next update is still a little ways off, but I'm excited to get it out there. Cheers!
This one seemed to work as written, but I decided to just remove the conditions anyway so it's always an option.
When will the next update be available!? I would totally put money towards this especially if it helps speed it up! Idk what it is about the teacher and librarian but wow hahaha I'm excited to see more, I searched everywhere for a game like this for so long thank you so much! Definitely grateful, I love how all the n*pples and v*ginas look different, so much detail
Thank you for the lovely comment! :D
Next update will be a little while longer. It will add Scarlett's relationship level 5 scene, which are always a lot of work. It'll also add another "medium" scene, either a living room three person scene or a side character scene, to be voted on by my patrons. I'm currently predicting about 8 weeks. I'll post a devlog here soon when I have a better idea, with a little preview.
I'm curious which subject you chose that you like the teacher so much? ^^ I have more plans for the teachers and a few ideas with the librarian too!
I tried to give each character a unique body, glad you noticed :)
Every contribution always helps and is always appreciated!
Thanks again for your kind words <3
Oh! I chose art! I made it to day 50 yesterday and restarted to raise all my skills so i could do the extra stuff, I'm still on my second playthrough (like peaking on the random teacher in the classroom and letting her know its okay), it makes so much sense that it takes awhile! Count me in as a paying fan once friday hits!
Harriet's a fun teacher :D glad you've enjoyed it enough to do another playthrough!
That's very generous of you, thank you so much! <3
No, thank you! Not to sound creepy but I wish I could find women like this in real life who just want to fool around lmfao (I'm a chick but I don't want a relationship right now) ah, sorry just going on and on, anyways! Amazing job! 10/10!
No worries, always very happy to see people enjoying the game! Besides, a bit of wish fulfillment is often what these games are about :D
Feel free to join the discord if you'd like: https://discord.gg/K5csumxErA
this game is really good I hope you don't end up giving up on the project at that moment I wish I had a job to support the game
(I'm from Brazil and I'm still learning English)
Thank you! I won't give up on it, I'm already working on the next update!
Thanks for your kind comment :)
Another question. Is there a time limit / day limit ?
Not really. Currently, when you reach day 50 you're given the option to go back a week (keeping all your progress). You can do this as many times as you like, so can effectively play as long as you like :)
thanks for the reply.
Does anyone know any games like this where the female protagonist learns they're gay ?
There aren't any options to choose from. Instead you type in your answer on your keyboard, in the same way you chose MC's name in the beginning.
Let me know if that doesn't work and I'll look into it :)
Love the game. One suggestion. While it's really fun for Kara to be enjoying all the girls she lives with, perhaps sometime in the future when she peeks in on them she finds that instead of masturbating they are with one of the other girls.
Glad you're enjoying it! <3
That's already on the to-do list :D first one will hopefully be in the next update, not 100% sure yet.